Don't Choose Water Based That Dries Quickly!

Don't Choose Water Based That Dries Quickly!

Water-based lubricants are a popular choice for many people because they are easy to clean up and are safe to use with condoms and most sex toys. However, there are a few reasons why someone might choose not to use a water-based lubricant:

  1. Dries out quickly: One of the main drawbacks of water-based lubricants is that they can dry out quickly, especially during extended use. This can lead to discomfort and a need to reapply the lubricant frequently.

  2. Not long-lasting: In comparison to silicone lubricants, water-based lubricants do not have the same long-lasting lubrication properties. This means that they may need to be reapplied more frequently during sexual activity.

  3. May contain ingredients that can irritate the skin: Some water-based lubricants contain ingredients such as glycerin or propylene glycol, which can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some people. If you have sensitive skin or allergies, you may want to avoid water-based lubricants.

  4. Can be incompatible with certain materials: Water-based lubricants can sometimes damage certain materials, such as leather or silicone. If you are using a sex toy made from one of these materials, you may want to avoid water-based lubricants.

Overall, water-based lubricants are a popular choice for many people due to their easy clean-up and compatibility with condoms and most sex toys. However, if you are looking for a long-lasting lubricant, have sensitive skin or allergies, or are using a sex toy made from certain materials, you may want to consider using a silicone lubricant or a lubricant specifically formulated for use with these materials.


Happy Lubricating!

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